In the medical marijuana industry, effective document management is vital. Not only does it help you keep track of your own internal data, it makes your audits much smoother. In such a highly regulated cannabis industry, you cannot afford to not have a streamlined document management system in place.
Our ENSUR document management system for medical marijuana companies will help you keep track of all the current regulations, monitor employee training, manage document signatures, and much more, so that you can satisfy all the regulatory bodies constantly checking in on you.
Manage Critical Documents
Hemp Document control is vital for tracking all documents that come and go in the industry. With our document control software for cannabis companies, you can easily track where all your documents have been and who has seen them. You can also manage their workflow and implement automatic document numbering to make it effortless to track, whether they are going around the world or across the hall.
Ensure Proper Training
Training is a key component of your business, for your sake, your customer’s sake, and for the government agencies checking in on you. With medical marijuana document management software, you can easily monitor your ISO 9000 Certification status and track where each of your employees is in their training module. You can also have them electronically acknowledge they have seen and read the information just in case there is ever a question. You can receive confirmation when each training is complete, and you can review test scores to make sure all the information was retained.
Streamline Audits
Audits are a standard part of the medical marijuanaj industry, and you need to be prepared for one at any moment. With our dispensary management system, you can have all the documents you need available immediately and effortlessly. Producing training records, a master list of your documents, regulation reports, and all other auditor requests can happen seamlessly. You can also keep track of all your past audits and search for them by either document name or login information.
Create and Manage All Types of Documentation
Whether you are publishing a deviation, updating a lot release, creating a waiver or a CAPA, or something else, our ENSUR document management software for medical marijuana companies makes it all simple and instant. When a new document is produced, it can be shared with everyone who needs to know about it in a matter of seconds. This is especially important when a company-wide regulatory change is being made that must be implemented immediately.
Collect Document Signatures
In such a regulated industry as cannabis, proper documentation is everything, and with our dispensary software, you can make sure that you have all the signatures necessary to protect your company from lawsuits or fines. Receive alternative medicine documented approvals on important forms no matter where the person is located, and safely store these documents electronically for easy access.
When your certification and livelihood are at stake, you do not want to take any chances. With effective document management for medical marijuana companies, you can be sure that you have all necessary documentation to fulfill the requests of any auditor. You can also streamline your workflow and improve your operations, putting more money in your pocket.
In all industries, document control just makes sense, but when it comes to cannabis, it is a must-have. To learn more about how our document management system can impact your cannabis company, contact DocXellent today.