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Document Management System Blog

The Challenges of Transitioning into a Digital Specification Management System

The Challenges of Transitioning into a Digital Specification Management System

We interviewed DocXellent's Chief Customer Officer, Amy Rodrigues, to learn from her extensive experience with spec migrations and get her insight into how companies can optimize their transition into a digital Specification Management System

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Tags: Packaging Management Software, Spec Management, packaging specification management software, packaging, migrating specifications

5 Steps to Increase Manufacturing Sustainability Through Digital Transformation

5 Steps to Increase Manufacturing Sustainability Through Digital Transformation

For manufacturing professionals, sustainability has become a major topic of conversation over the past few years. And as regulatory complexities and sustainability goals continue to expand, more companies are recognizing the importance of getting...

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Tags: manufacturing, sustainability, digitize, manufacturing sustainability

The 4 Basic Functions of Packaging Specification Management Software

4 Basic Functions of Packaging Software

Why Package Goods?

The packaging process has existed for centuries, in various forms. Enclosing products for distribution and sale is necessary across most industries, and some markets have tight regulations around what kind of packaging can be...

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Tags: specification management, document management system, Components of Quality Management, Spec Management, packaging specification management software

DocXellent is Celebrating its 40th Anniversary!

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Tags: Document Management Systems, team growth, 2023 trends, docxellent team

Importing Documents Into a Document Management System is Easier Than You Think

Importing Documents Into a Document Management System is Easier Than You Think

Importing documents into a document management system (DMS) can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. With the right approach and tools, importing documents can be an easy and streamlined process that can save your business time and effort.

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Tags: Document Management Systems, cloud document management, document management software, electronic document mangement software, migrating documents

Industries Improved by a Quality Management System (QMS)

Industries Improved by a Quality Management System (QMS)

For companies of all industries, keeping the quality of your product and processes high is essential. This means that robust quality assurance is crucial in today’s business world if you want to stay competitive — not only to attract customers but...

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Tags: Quality Control Management, manufacturing, Quality Management System, life sciences

Quality Control vs. Quality Management: What’s the Difference?

umbrella of quality

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Tags: Quality Control Management, quality management, quality management process, quality control methods, quality control vs quality assurance, what is quality management system

Employee Spotlight: Jason Stradling - Technical Support Manager

Jason Stradling is DocXellent’s Technical Support Manager! In this role, he manages the Technical Support Team, provides Tier 2 support, and manages our ENSUR SaaS.

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Tags: Document Management Systems, employee spotlight, technical solutions

The DocXellent Team is Growing!

We are excited to announce the addition of three new members to DocXellent: David Conde to our Technical Support Department, and Christine Allard and Nathan Bousquet to our Customer Relations Department!

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Tags: DocXellent Employees, New Employees, docxellent team

5 Specification Management Trends to Prepare for in 2023

For manufacturing and packaging professionals, it’s once again time to start planning for the coming business year – and looking to the future of Specification Management and how you can innovate your processes is a great first step. While your...

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Tags: cloud, Spec Management, cloud spec management, 2023 trends