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Document Management System Blog

The Business Case for Cybersecurity: Calculating Risk vs. Investment

The Business Case for Cybersecurity: Calculating Risk vs. Investment

In today's interconnected digital landscape, cybersecurity stands as a critical pillar for businesses of all sizes. As technology advances, so do the methods of cyber threats, making it imperative for organizations to understand the nuanced balance...

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Tags: cyber security, cyber threats, small business, SMB

The Ultimate Guide to Document and Data Security

The Ultimate Guide to Document and Data Security: What to Know

In today's digital age, document and data security are of paramount importance. Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, protecting sensitive information is critical to maintaining trust with your customers, complying with...

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Tags: cyber security, cyber aware, cyber threats, regulatory compliance, digitize

Webinar Recap: 2022 Cyber Security Trends

Over the past few years, cybersecurity threats have risen at an unwavering pace. In fact, according to the FBI, there has been a 300% increase in reported cyber crime since the pandemic began. So, what does this mean for your company and what can...

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Tags: cyber security, cyber threats, 2022 trends, 2022 cybersecurity

DocXellent's Fourth Year as a National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM) Champion

DOCXELLENT renews its commitment to global efforts advocating for Cybersecurity and Online Behavior Change during Cybersecurity Awareness Month – October 2021.

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Tags: cyber security, cyber aware, cyber threats, NCSAM

Secure on a Cloud Server? 5 Things to Consider When Choosing Document Management Software

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Secure on a Cloud Server? 5 Things to Consider When Choosing Document Management Software  

Ever since the Cloud emerged as a place to store data, companies large and small have agonized over whether it’s safe to keep their important files out...

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Tags: document management software, document management system, cyber security, cyber threats