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Dealing with documentation is an essential part of every business’ processes. However, managing business information, sometimes from several sources, can be a challenging task – especially in these unprecedented times where employees are forced to...
Tags: document management system, business continuity, disaster recovery
A lot of companies still rely on spreadsheet technology to organize their important information. Other companies use electronic forms for their data management. What exactly is the difference? And is one better than the other? In this article we’ll...
Tags: specification management, Electronic Document Control System | DocXellent, electronic document control
To All Customers and Partners of DocXellent and ENSUR,
We are excited to announce that Chad Bouley, former Technical Support Manager here at DocXellent, has recently been promoted to Innovative Technical Solutions Manager! Over the past three years, Chad has worked closely with Amy Sinyei Rodrigues and...
Tags: 2020, productivity, docxellent support, technical solutions
With cases of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) emerging in nearly every state, many businesses are taking swift action in an effort to curb its spread. Teleworking, “remote working,” or simply “working from home,” is a centerpiece of those efforts....
Tags: cloud, cyber security, covid-19, telework
Christine Snitkin-Bouley is DocXellent’s Support Coordinator and Project Manager, a talented dance teacher, and a musical theater buff! She is part of our Customer Relations Team as well as the DocXellent Support Coordinator and is usually the...
Tags: employee spotlight, DocXellent Employees, docxellent support
Successful management of specifications (packaging, product, materials, etc) is a critical component of any product’s lifecycle. Businesses that are using spreadsheets or other manual methods of organizing, routing and distributing their...
Tags: packaging management, specification management, workflow
There has been a large increase in the number of companies adopting cloud computing strategies over the last couple years. From using applications on local machines to now hosting them on a remote cloud location, companies have started seeing...
Tags: cloud document management, cloud, 2020 trends, 2020, productivity
If your company is required to adhere to FDA 21 CFR Part 11 compliance, a document management system can make this process simple. However, not every system is built the same, and there are certain features your company should look for in a DMS...
Tags: 21 CFR compliance, Compliance, Document Compliance Software